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Accused Asian terror leader: Expect more blood

Story Highlights

• Indonesian militant linked to al Qaeda says all Westerners are legitimate targets
• Police call Abu Dujana the most dangerous terror suspect they have dealt with
• Abu Dujana denies involvement in attacks that killed hundreds of people
By Dan Rivers
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YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Militants will continue to target Westerners on the streets of Indonesia as they fight to impose full Islamic law, an accused terror leader told CNN.

Bomb attacks and other strategies are possible, according to Abu Dujana, who police call the most dangerous terror suspect they have ever dealt with. He is the military head of Jemaah Islamiyah, the Indonesian group linked to al Qaeda which has been blamed for the deaths of hundreds of Westerners and civilians.

"We will continue fighting and we may use other methods," he told CNN in a jailhouse interview days after being captured by Indonesian authorities. (Watch as Dujana shows no remorse in his interview with CNN Video)

Abu Dujana is accused of direct involvement in the Bali nightclub bombings of 2002 that killed more than 200 mostly Western tourists and subsequent attacks on the Australian Embassy and J.W. Marriott hotel, both in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

Abu Dujana, who police say is 37, admits becoming Jemaah Islamiyah's military chief, but says that happened only after the attacks on Western targets. He denies any involvement by his group. "We didn't do it," he told CNN during the interview at a secret location in police custody. (Read about Dan Rivers' impressions of Dujana and how he got the interview)

He described Jemaah Islamiyah as "an underground organization" saying "it will continue to exist and continue to move on with its plans" to create an Islamic state under Sharia law, despite his capture along with six other alleged terrorists earlier this month.

"When a part of it is cut off, [in this case] the head is cut off, there will be a replacement, it's only natural," he said, seeming to suggest that a new military commander will be appointed quickly. Among the areas under threat are the Christian communities on the island of Sulawesi that he says attacked Muslims. Indonesian police officers, he says, are also under threat, because the government does not implement full Sharia law.

Learning from bin Laden

Abu Dujana, who was captured after a four-year hunt in a confrontation at his house when he was shot in the leg, said he sympathizes with the goals of those he claims carried out the bombings.

He said he met al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan during the fight against Soviet occupation when bin Laden was a field commander and he was an ordinary soldier.

Abu Dujana said bin Laden was well respected then and helped him and others realize that it was permissible to kill people to defend Islam.

"I didn't read it in the Koran. It's based on the teachings of our teachers, clerics, especially what Osama bin Laden first said," Abu Dujana said of the tactics.

"Because of America's arrogance, many in the Muslim world know, believe, it's permissible to kill American soldiers. It's halal; it's permitted."

But while he admits Jemaah Islamiyah, al Qaeda and other terror groups have shared philosophies he said they have different methods and strategies. Al Qaeda operates globally, while Jemaah Islamiyah focuses only on Indonesia, he said.

And though it was permitted to kill innocent civilians -- and he had no sympathy for the victims of 9/11 -- he said that was not the goal of his group.

"I would like to see Jemaah Islamiyah choose their targets more carefully to limit civilian casualties, especially those who don't necessarily attack Islam."

Blaming Bush and Blair

Police challenge Abu Dujana's denials, saying that he helped fugitive suspect Noordin Top plan the attack on the Marriott Hotel in 2003, meeting him both before and after the devastating blast that killed 12 people and injured 150 more.

Abu Dujana told CNN: "It's true, I did have a meeting with Noordin before the Marriott bombing but that doesn't mean I was involved in the attack.

"In that meeting, we're just aligning our views with each other -- there was absolutely no discussion about planning any bombing. The truth is I was only asked to join the meeting. I wasn't even head of the military wing at that time."

Abu Dujana, a slight, wiry man who would face execution if found guilty in the attacks, smiled often while talking to CNN. But he was also quick with messages of hate, calling all Westerners legitimate targets because of the actions of leaders like President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair who he says are not giving Muslims the chance to be in power.

"If they refuse [to let Muslims rule], we'll continue doing what we are doing," he said.

Abu Dujana eluded authorities for four years before he was captured earlier this month.



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