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Photo Gallery Asia's Growing Hunger

With their huge populations, China and India exert an unparalleled force on world food markets. They are looking abroad as it becomes more difficult for them to be self-sufficient -- and the increasing demand has often-disastrous consequences across the globe.
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All around the world, farmers are producing crops for the Chinese market. Increasing prosperity in China is fueling ever-growing demand.

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India, home to 1.1 billion people, has caught up with China in terms of the power it wields as a massive market. Together, the two Asian nations must feed more than a third of the world's population.

Foto: AP
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In Brazil, huge swathes of land are being given over to soybean production for the Chinese market. Large segments of the state of Mato Grosso are already covered with monoculture crops.

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Demonstrators protest in Haiti in early April. Many observers are warning that such scenes of unrest are just a hint of what is to come.