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Timeline: Eta campaign for independence

This article is more than 14 years old
More than 800 dead in 50 years of Basque group's armed struggle

Eta's five-decade campaign for independence has resulted in the deaths of more than 800 people. Some of the major events include:

29 July 2009 A massive car bomb in front of a police barracks in the northern Spanish city of Burgos injured dozens of people. Police say it is a miracle no one died.

19 June 2009 A senior police officer is killed when a bomb is placed under his car in Bilbao

21 September 2008 A car bomb placed near a military academy in the northern town of Santona kills an army officer and injures several other people.

7 March 2008 Isaías Carrasco, a former councillor for the Socialist party, is killed two days before the general election.

30 December 2006 Despite signing up to a ceasefire with the government, Eta plants a bomb in the car park at Madrid's Barajas airport, killing two Ecuadorians. President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero calls off the ceasefire.

May 2003 Two policemen are killed by a bomb in the northern town of Sangüesa.

June 1987 In the bloodiest attack carried out by Eta, 21 shoppers are killed by a bomb at a Barcelona supermarket.

July 1986 12 police officers are killed in Madrid and 50 wounded. Juan Manuel Soares is sentenced to 1,401 years in jail in 2000 for the killings.

1980 In its deadliest year, Eta kills nearly 100 people, even though the country had returned to democracy after the death of the former dictator Franco.

1973 Franco's prime minister, Luis Carrero Blanco, is killed when his car drives over explosives planted in Madrid.

1968 Eta carries out its first fatal attack, killing Melitón Manzanas, a police chief in the Basque city of San Sebastián.

1959 Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna – Eta – meaning Basque Homeland and Freedom, is founded, with the aim of creating a sovereign homeland in Spain's Basque region.

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