Your Federal Budget, in Pictures

We’ve pulled some interesting charts from the two budget reports released today.

First, where government revenues are coming from, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget. The bulk of the money going into federal coffers comes from “borrowing and other net financing,” followed by the individual income tax:

DESCRIPTIONSource: Office of Management and Budget

Second, where government spending is going. The biggest chunk of federal spending goes to defense:

DESCRIPTIONSource: Office of Management and Budget

Finally, here are projections from the Congressional Budget Office for what the federal budget will look like over the next decade, under current law (that is, assuming the Bush-era tax cuts expire, etc.):

DESCRIPTIONCongressional Budget Office
DESCRIPTIONCongressional Budget Office

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Among the many lessons this provides is that there is no plausible amount of income tax increases that will close the deficit. Even doubling income taxes, which would be insane, doesn’t get you there.

That means the biggest contributor to a balanced budget has to be spending reduction. Which means, in turn, that the progressive agenda of redistributing wealth through “tax and transfer” policies can’t be implemented in a fiscally sound manner. There aren’t enough taxes period, let alone taxes on the wealthy, to cover the existing transfers and the rest of the spending; ergo, any net new transfers wind up being funded by borrowing, either directly or by way of foregoing deficit reduction that tax hikes could have achieved. So the choice is fiscal stabilization vs. progressive agenda. We can’t achieve both.

Entitlement programs will be our undoing. It’s amazing that a government with revenues over $1 trillion can’t even balance it’s budget.

I can’t stop staring at the 6.3-1 ratio of individual tax revenues to corporate tax revenues. That strikes me as a wee bit out of whack.

Obama once again lied when he stood infront of the American people and told us he cut those two Trillion dollars out of the 10 year figure.

Does anyone still actually believe the cost they are attaching to Health Insurance “Reform”? You would have to be completely dense to ever trust our government after looking at these numbers. Entitlement programs GROW POVERTY and GOVERNMENT DEPENDANCE. They do very little for the hard working American and they degrade liberty. When will people realize that FDR was WRONG. No government can make the decisions that hard working Americans can make in regards to healthcare or finances.

Mark says no ammount of tax increases can eliminate the deficit.

But the projected out year deficit is a smaller share of GDP than the Reagan deficit s and Clinton eliminated it with very modest tax increases.

Tell me, shy can that experience not be repeated.

Hopefully Americans are starting to wake up to the fact, that our Federal Government has grown to be too large and too expensive to operate. These trends are so clearly harmful to the futures of our children and grandchildren >>>we should all be ashamed of ourselves. It is time to hold our politicians accountable for Fiscal Discipline. Fiscal Discipline should be the number 1 focus for our elected representatives until our Government can prove to us that they are worthy of our support. THEY WORK FOR US!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, it appears we have just elected and re-elected people within all levels of our government that are solely focused on INCREASING GOVERNMENT SPENDING (TARP, TARP2, STIMULUS, CASH4CLUNKERS, and now some kind of Government run Healthcare) . The November 2008 election is proving to be this country’s worst “What the hell did we just do?” moment.

By the way, this article states that the biggest chunk of government spending goes to Defense. That is misleading, given that you have broken out Medicaid & Medicare into separate categories. If you combine these 2 categories, given that they both go towards Government Funded Healthcare then it would be accurate to state that the biggest chunk of government spending today goes to Government Funded Healthcare.

The projections already bake in the expiration of all Bush era and stimulus bill tax breaks. As a result, they show combined income taxes rising to 12.7% of GDP – a nearly 50% increase from current year and well above average. The projections also assume a number of other things, including no relief from AMT or bracket creep due to inflation. Even with all that, the 2019 deficit is 3.4% of GDP which means a nearly 30% increase in income taxes in that year would be needed to close its deficit. (All this assumes static and not unfavorably dynamic scoring, btw). And I ignore competing pressures from state and local taxes.
I respectfully suggest all of that getting done is implausible and the CBO suggests the same at page xiii: “if taxes were raised to finance the rising spending, tax rates would have to reach levels never seen in the United States. Some combination of significant changes in benefit programs and other spending and tax policies will be necessary in order to attain long-term fiscal

More to the point, it isn’t until 2013 that the income tax hike needed to close the deficit is less than 50% and that is on top of the expirations noted above.

Look guys, whine all you want about a progressive agenda, but when I look at the line graph, what I see is that Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush hosed us, while Clinton and Carter worked at closing the gap.

If you believe that government is too big and expensive to operate, how do you justify a business culture that is committed to driving wages down to third world levels in this country so that the C-level class can continue an obscene lifestyle?

If you aren’t going to start killing off the excess population, then you need to serve them somehow. Don’t seem quite Christian-like to just leave ’em in the ditch and move on.

But hey, the good thing about being a business is that you are as exempt from morals as you are most laws and taxes. “Fire up the lawyers and find us a way out of this” can be heard in corner offices across the globe!

Steve in Pennsylvania August 26, 2009 · 9:04 am

Years ago, I told myself I would have to brace myself for a severe upturn in inflation if Congress ever repealed the indexing feature of the income tax.
That feature not only stopped taxpayers from being inflated into higher brackets it prevented Congress from inflating its way out of the national debt.
Seems to me that the refusal to fix the AMT is a back-door way of allowing inflation to boost tax revenues and pay debt with cheaper dollars.
I need to go buy some TIPS before Congress finds the courage to eliminate them in the name of fiscal stability.

Those of who lament entitlement spending as the cause of the federal deficit should consider which programs you would like to cut. We have already gutted traditional welfare in the form of the 1996 TANF act. Medicaid is largely a state-run and state-financed program. That leaves Social Security and Medicare, which are largely both self-financing (through payroll deductions), and handful of other much smaller programs like Pell Grants and the GI Bill.

So, which would you like to cut first? Social Security and Medicare, to which people have already been paying into all their lives and right to receive? How about denying returning combat vets and other young people the chance at a college education by cutting the Pell Grant program and the GI Bill? Would you like to cut defense instead? How about the feds spend less on highway construction? Law enforcement? Food safety inspections?

That’s the problem with the vast majority of “conservatives”: they think they want a smaller government but they are absolutely clueless on where they would like to see the cuts happen.


I’m not the least bit clueless. I want to cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, in the most humane and just way possible, but recognizing that there is not enough income to be generated by working age people to support their own families, their educational debts and the growing cost of the elderly. There just isn’t. The most difficult moral decisions require us to choose between two good things in a zero sum environment. But the choice has to be made and in my view the long term interests of the nation have to subordinate the elderly baby boomers’ interests to those of future workers, given that the baby boomers had the economic benefits of coming of age in a less competitive world and of being called upon to make a smaller contribution to the care of the elderly before them, given demographics. I think that’s fair. I also note that your defense of Social Security and Medicare is innumerate: it offers no correlation between the amount paid in and the amount paid out, which have grown out of any sustainable relationship.

I am also delighted to cut the defense budget, but not as to veterans whose sacrifice outstrips everybody’s. We need to cut the missions.

You seem very well informed Mark T. Do you think that our problems can be traced to the rapidly increasing (except during Clinton) percentage of the income of the country going to the top 10%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01%? (cf. Saez & P??)


No, I think that is a symptom, not a cause, of one of the problems. That problem is globalization, which is like a wave pounding away at a beach, eroding more and more of the earning capacity of American workers. In certain sectors like celebrity and high finance, it hasn’t reached as far so those people still can make a lot of money, but it will inevitably reach them, as China and India develop further. I view distributional issues as second order problems. The other primary problems are political / cultural in that too many in the media and government keep sponsoring a myth that everyone is entitled to a middle class lifestyle for his or her entire life as opposed to the more challenging reality. The final problem is that the demographics are unfavorable for post-retirement programs.

Thank you for your compliment.

R Matthew – I agree with you that over the last 30 years or so, Republicans have mismanaged our government’s finances just as badly and in some cases worse than Democrats. That does not mean that we should stand by and watch things get worse, now that Democrats are in charge.

Regardless of who we elect, we need to start holding our representatives accountable for fiscal discipline. It is a matter of looking out for future generations. The current trends of increased deficit spending, rising national debt and the devaluation of the US dollar are unsustainable and are going to burden our children and grandchildren. This is why you are seeing such opposition to the Democrats’ current plans for Healthcare reform>> we just can not afford it right now.

I am not suggesting that we should dramatically cut any and all government services. Obviously the government needs to spend money to insure our security and provide a safety net for people who need help. But now is not the time to INCREA$E government spending. Now is the time for our elected politicians to work hard to be good stewards of our tax dollars.

But what I find REALLY alarming about your post, is the analogy between the government being too large and expensive and our “Business Culture” >> otherwise known as CAPITALISM. I do not get the linkage that you are attempting to make.

First of all, if a Company does not offer VALUE to it’s investors and/or customers, it will just go away and a better company will just take it’s place. However, when our elected officials mismanage our government’s finances, they respond by increasing the amount of money that is confiscated from us to make up the difference. So, R Matthew, how do YOU JUSTIFY THAT?

By the way, If things are so unfair for the “working man” hear in America, why are we the #1 destination for immigration world wide. I don’t see any type of mass exodus of americans, relocating their families to other countries in search of a better life.

America, a relatively young nation, has demonstrated itself to be one of the most successful civilizations to have existed within human history. If you disagree, please name for me a civilization (past or present) that has provided it’s citizens with as much Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Prosperity, Security, Life Expectancy and overall quality of life.

We are not perfect by any means, but I am just not aware of any nation that has consistently done it better than the USA. I believe this is the result of the Strength of the US Constitution combined with the delicate balance of Democracy & CAPITALISM that we have fostered.

So, with all that in mind, why do we require such dramatic HOPE and radical CHANGE? Answer: We Don’t.

Sorry for venting. I have 2 kids, I worry about their future and there weren’t any Town Hall Meetings to go to.

Something else to keep in mind: Our defense budget is about equal to the combined value of every other country’s defense budget.



My comment about government vs big business is that no one cares about the corruption, excesses, and waste in business, but any expenditure by government to help those left behind by the tide that lifts the boats with sound hulls is seen as a colossal waste.

The only difference between government services and business services is that a handful of business leaders get a fantastic compensation package while the workers’ wages are a cost to be mitigated by reduction or elimination. Quality? the same. I would rather deal with the DMV than AT&T customer dis-service. It was easier to work with Medicare for my mother than Blue Cross for myself.

I like profit, don’t get me wrong. It is just that with no moral compass, profit crosses the line to unmitigated greed real quick in post 1970 capitalism.

Right now, with the health issue, people know that they are being shafted by the insurance industry, but the legislators that are owned and operated by those business interests, and the entertainment hacks they use as tools have convinced these same people that nothing should change.

Re immigration: there is still a very believable hype about opportunity in this country. Many get here and wish they hadn’t. Others are coming for the political and cultural freedom. Many come and send all they earn back to their family. It is a good country, though individual freedom is being usurped by those who believe in gated Stepford communities, a sameness in everybody’s existence that is enforced so as to not wreck property values. Ever notice how the only people with usable property rights are big corporations? Besides, maybe being here is not all that great, but it is better than being where they were. We know all about that lesser evil stuff, it is all we get every election cycle.

We know that justice is determined by the size of your bankroll. Ask the minorities in this country how well it has worked out for them. Attempted genocide of native people, enslavement of blacks, women as property with no vote until the 20th century, 7 day work week, 14 hour days for adults and kids enforced by state police and national guard. And all of this took blood being spilled to change. The courts represented the interests of a white oligarchy that to this day still is in control.

Only small businesses really fail. Large businesses have protections and laws that befuddle the senses. Microsoft builds a poor fast food equivalent of software, shoves it out in a market dominant method, third parties make it usable and then they buy those third parties or copy them and crush them. Corporations use bankruptcy to erase the sins of the past and those who profited from the sins continue to gain from it. Do you think that we get that kind of slack when we screw up?

Really though, you should read more carefully, most of the European countries are ahead of us on life expectancy, their social safety nets allowed for a faster economic turn around, and everyone worldwide is cracking down on freedoms for the sake of protecting intellectual property as well as nannyism.

You have to realize at some point though, that we do not have capitalism or democracy. We have an oligarchy where we elect the tools that the oligarchs use to keep us divided against ourselves. Real capitalism, a real democracy, would be a threat to these long entrenched interests. So they have the legislators go “Look, gays want to marry! Here’s a stick, go get ’em. Look, blacks are getting out of prison, here’s a stick go get ’em! Look, women are killing babies, here’s a stick, go get ’em!” So we never get past their Machiavellian methods.

R Matthew – Thank you for your response. You and I are going to have to agree to fundamentally disagree on just about everything. I really tried to consider your thoughts with an open mind. But, it occurs to me that we have completely opposing life views and we would probably wear out our keyboards trying to change each other’s mind. I wish you the best!

I own a condo and have an outstanding balance of $140k, consisting of $104k primary and $36k secondary. I took the home equity to consolidate debts. At the time the property was valued at $163k but now it is valued at $134k. I’m looking to sell because i am engaged and will be moving into my fiancee’s home. // I have a buyer who offers me within say $5-7k of the outstanding, can i agree to assume a loan on the residual and pay the bank the difference over time with interest? The same bank holds both mortgages.

Yes it’s complex. Finger wagging at one party vs. the other misses the issue that these are our tax dollar outlays. Personally- no label attached to my political views- what I see is a defense budget that’s breaking this country’s back esp.considering that the only “war” we’re fighting is the oblique “war on terror.” If only we achieved the same cost efficiencies as those we are “fighting.”

Secondly, entitlement programs spec. Medicare and Medicaid are the runaway trains. We’re saddled with mandatory spending payments bolstered by automati adjustments. In particular- see Medicare. We can’t sustain economic growth when Americans spend something like 20% of the lifetime health care expenditures in the last year of their lives. Trade-offs must be implemented and that’s going to require us all to be less greedy regarding how we are able to spend public dollars on health care.

The problem of course is that seniors vote in big numbers and the DC politicos are all afraid to touch much less mention Medicaid reform. We can’t begin to “reform” healthcare without dramatically reducing costs- oincluding reducing benefits.

beral views on social policy and probably a fiscal moderate. The exception to my comments regarding entitlement expenditures is that I firmly believe we have an obligation to help the weakest and poorest Americans first.

And for the record, I’m a Democrat about to turn Independent with li


Interactive Graphic for budget and mandatory vs discretionary spending