Bringing Solar Power to Africa’s Poor

Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy The Solar Energy Foundation, a Swedish nonprofit, is one of several organizations endeavoring to bring solar power to poor communities in Africa.

Politicians from 11 southern African countries gathered in Maputo, Mozambique, over the weekend to examine how to address climate change issues without reducing access to energy.

Off-grid solar is seen as one of the continent’s strongest options, capitalizing on Africa’s abundant sunlight without the need to invest in expensive grid networks.

Lawmakers and renewable energy experts were shown practical examples of how sensitive green energy developments have the potential to satisfy both requirements.

According to the World Bank’s 2010 development report, 1.6 billion people in developing countries still have no access to electricity.

“Decentralized solar systems have a huge potential,” said Jasper Groening of e-Parliament, an international network linking global citizens to their legislators and one of the organizers of the event.

In Djabula – 50 miles south of Maputo – Mozambique’s National Electricity Fund established a photovoltaic standalone station providing electricity for 45 residencies, a primary school and a heath outpost. Legislators and politicians visited the project to see how projects like this could provide answers to many of the energy and climate change problems facing communities across Africa.

“Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive,” Mr. Groening said, “and politicians are working on integrating schemes like this into their own national energy plans.”

Small-scale projects like this are becoming more common in Africa.

“The demand for our solar kits is huge,” said Katie Bliss of Solar Aid, a British organization that aims to bring clean, renewable power to the poorest people in the world.

“In Tanzania the price of kerosene, the main energy alternative, is rapidly increasing,” added Ms. Bliss, whose organization also has projects in the works in Zambia, Kenya and Malawi. “Our studies found that 20 percent of household income was being spent on fuel.”

As with other solar products targeting poor communities, SolarAid does not give away its micro-solar kits. “It’s not a handout,” Ms. Bliss said. “We want to encourage a viable trade. Solar has a huge future here, and anyone we have trained with solar skills has a good chance of finding employment. We also encourage distributors to take solar products to rural villages.”

Groups like Solar Aid provide solar power kits — which typically consist of locally sourced parts and simple construction — starting at about $20.

But when scaled up, some community projects can challenge grid power. In an award-winning project in Remu, Ethiopia, the Swedish Solar Energy foundation supplied electricity to 10,000 people with an off-grid solar photovoltaic system charging less than $2 per person.

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Locally sourced electricity projects will tend to mean that profits are small or non existent.
Solar projects are the most sensible and beneficial for most of the world if only because the sun shines for at least 12 hours a day.
Solar projects are best developed as local projects. Once we abandone the capitalist ethics of ‘grow or die’ and ‘projects for profit’, and adopt the social principle of ‘projects for community benefit’, we will see our way to developing solar energy for the benefit of local neighbourhoods, not for the profits of some international corporation.
I remain perplexed by the facts that solar/wind/water power are of little significance, and yet are immediately accessible in many lands. We run our industrial societies on coal/oil……which have to be dug/drilled out of the ground and converted at great cost and great profits for energy corporations and landlords.
Alernative energy goes hand in hand with a social ecology……

I get really tired of the anti-profit, anti-market, global corporate conspiracy nonsense that we hear from many commenters here.

When 2 people engage in a free transaction, both must benefit or the transaction will not be undertaken. The price that they (and the larger market) arrive at is the price where both benefit. If the supplier does not cover his costs (i.e. makes a profit) why would he have made the effort to be a supplier? Price and profit are how the market tells us where to invest our limited resources to achieve the maximum benefit. Free markets, free trade, and globalization in just the last 30 years have delivered more people from poverty than the rest of human history combined. Not foreign aid, not charities, not protectionist or socialist policies by developing governments. Free markets and globalization. So before you denounce the greatest source of well-being the world has ever known from your lofty rich world perch, think a little about the billions who have yet to benefit, and the billions who would laugh you out of the room if you suggested removing the means that delivered them or their parents from the depths of poverty.

Local solar power will be delivered by the same types of entrepreneurs who have brought mobile phones to so much of Africa. It has not happened up to now because the price of these solars systems has fallen rapidly in the last 2 years thanks to recently built capacity in China (thank you globalization). Local solar will not be used in the rich world soon (maybe in a few years) because it is not now competitive with centrally generated power, renewable or traditional, because we have a pre-existing grid. Note in the article how much cheaper the capital cost per person is even in Africa when the installation is for 10000 people rather than 20. Small scale local solar power will only be used in small villages, even in Africa. Bigger systems and grids will be installed in cities.

Off-grid solar is seen as one of the continent’s strongest options, capitalizing on Africa’s abundant sunlight without the need to invest in expensive grid networks.

Renewable energy experts and politicians were shown practical examples of how sensitive green energy developments have the potential to satisfy both requirements.

According to the World Bank’s 2010 development report, 1.6 billion people in developing countries still have no access to electricity.

”Decentralized solar systems

Decentralized, off-grid is the answer for everyone in all countries. We don’t need no stinking grids, let alone no *smart grids* controlling our lives.


The grid is vulnerable as a system. We have to stop always thinking about being connected to or relying on the utility grid. Think in terms of building an independant 12 volt DC system (low voltage) for the average dwelling to operate independant of the grid by charging batteries from solar or wind and utilizing the energy real time or later from the batteries. It seems everyone has visions of large expensive rooftop systems but starting small and building up over time will reduce the utility bill by substitution.
We need to be energy independant on a small scale as well as looking at the big picture. Small systems can easily run lights, TV’s, radios, even a small refridgerator for essentials. You would still need the grid power for large loads like heat, large refridgerators, etc but you can have a seperate system to rely on if you suffer some calamity.
With the advent of the “smart” grid, you dont want to be connected to the grid. Remember, the wires are antennas as well as conducting electricity. We owe our reliance on a large electrical system to Nickolai Tesla who developed high voltage alternating current power systems that won out over Thomas Edisons Direct Current system around the turn of the last century. The idea was to minmize power loss over long distances. Therefore we should all promote local or household Low voltage DC solar or wind systems to reduce the use of grid power and for much better reliability.
Through the years I have built a very economical system comprised of several solar panels with a capacity of about 130 watts that automatically charge 6 large deep cycle and regular batteries from which I operate some radios , lights and in the event of loss of utility power, a small refridgerator. I also have a couple of cheap store bought DC to AC inverters if I need to operate an AC device,
Solar panels have come down in price dramatically and production capabity is expanding, so start now. Think independant and start small instead of suffering mega system price hesitance.
A world of 12 volt dc devices are available from hardware, marine, automotive and internet sources. You just have to start.
Be the first on your block to confuse the lineman who show up during a power failure. I did.

“the Swedish Solar Energy foundation supplied electricity to 10,000 people with an off-grid solar photovoltaic system charging less than $2 per person.”

That’s really extraordinary, and very impressive. Could we have an article detailing how that was done? And reviews from the customers?

Tom, if you’re going to argue against commies, it’s helpful if you actually understand what profit is. When a supplier makes a profit, it’s over and above his costs. Otherwise they wouldn’t call it a “profit”. It’s also why we have “non-profits”. Profits are essentially incentives to deliver a given product/service in the most efficient way possible. Just in case you slept through that portion of your Econ 101 class lecture.

It’s also helpful to stick to the discussion at hand, rather than delivering a Fox News style anti-Red rant. You’re replying to one commenter (the only one before you), so reply to him. Not this vague “many commentators here” nonsense.

Solar kits aren’t used cellphones…It requires a lot of personal “startup capitol” (look that one if you don’t understand what that means, either). These people simply don’t have the means to buy solar, and if we expect them to have it, much of this stuff will have to be given away, at or below cost. Solar will get cheaper, but not that much cheaper.

BTW, you’re argument falls apart right after you forgot to mention the delivery of life-saving medicines, particularly vaccines, to these people. Not sure if anyone is actually making a profit, except in the general sense of trying to prevent disease from biting the rest of us in the a**.

It’s a struggle to live in that part of the world, and that world needs less lecturers and more innovators. Step up to the plate if you have any better ideas, other than the vague “free markets” one.

this is excellent and deserves massive international investment, though what the odds are of that, i don’t know. i read some years ago that all money invested in africa is exceeded by investments in argentina alone. as gwh bush once noted in a string of memos on the topic when he was director of CIA, “the west needs africa but not the africans.” that can be seen in the fact that the bankers schemed economic collapse will kill some 7 million africans, according to the UN – a holocaust with no one being charged accordingly. it also explains the fact, reported on the front page of the NYTies in 1993, that the trail of AIDS through africa is the same trail as the WHO smallpox vaccination program of the late 1970-early 80s, this was said to be due to ‘accidentally, tragically tainted serum.’ but it seemed to some that an ‘accident’ might involve a couple of villages, but not over 440 regions… while the development of AIDS was apparently accidental and due to improper hygiene and containment at merck and WHO labs in the 1950s, its aplication was highly political, a form of CBW which has killed 25 million, mostly africans, and is now kiling 33 million, mostly in the 3rd world and with almost no help.

in 2002, the british society of medicine stated that it was likely that a $180-200 billion crash program to cure and find a vaccine for AIDS could likely be accomplished in 3-4 years. obviously, the west preferred to spend those monies on wars and bailouts…

i should add that africa has thousands of miles of coastlines and vast territory for the gathering of wind-power. consider that chile is to be energy-independent and almost entirely on truly clean energy by 2012-15 from solar/wind and tidal energy-gathering.

Solar panels are great but not produced in Africa. When can we expect to see photovoltaic plants emerge in African nations. The technology s within reach and would ensure that the business approach has a sustainable and stable supply of PV cells and panels. My only fear is that government relations would interrupt trade and disrupt the ability of entrepreneurs to obtain solar equipment. For this reason, my work in Africa has focused on wind and hydro energy using parts and supplies already available in African marketplaces.

The article is great. A market-based approach to renewable energy is the only way forward. It worked for petrol based fuels, and it will work for the much cheaper renewable fuels.


While solar is ok they should think about wind generators which could be made their providing not only electricity but jobs too. They are about 1/4 the price/wt if bought new or 1/12 per wt if built there vs solar..

A village getting together could do it cheaper allowing each home a couple LED lights, a radio, charge a cell phone and a low power fan for very little.

Now add solar stoves and these can save much labor and extend working, productive time.

Tom, for profit companies have done nothing for most of these people. Most of them now are not satisfied unless they are making 100-1000% profits which puts things out of reach for these people. In fact most US businesses are suppose to make things cheaper than they can themselves but that is no longer true.

@ Patrick

Hi Patrick,

I would like to get in touch with you. Please let me have your email ID. Mine is:

Best regards,
Ashutosh Malik
New Delhi, India

Solar PV energy is expensive and we’re talking of extremely poor people who cannot afford paying for energy, which means the State will have to bear the costs (investment and exploration)… and these states cannot cover their own budgets either. So, it works fine only as far as experimental projects. Solar energy can only be successful/sustainable for food conservation, water eating and cooking… which are also areas requiring extensive education programmes. Approaches targeting success will have to be of mixed composition, incorporating several alternative energy sources, such as biogas and biomass based (from manure, organic waste, and left-over starches and lumbers). Yet, there is a lot of community work to be done, and I believe this is where the short funds should be invested with a long term view. Education is the key.

RM – InBoundMarketingPR September 25, 2009 · 12:40 pm

Great article that has evoked many great comments. But, at the end of the day, what we should see is that an elderly man in the 21st century has never had electricity!? These comments are all great and these discussions need to take place, but I applaud this company for acting and bringing this technology forward to these people. We need action in this types of countries where people are living in conditions unimaginable to any of us on any level.

We need to see more article like this!


It is important to think about who benefits from local and national projects.
We live in a world where 6.87billion people live; of which 5.8 billion try to live and survive on less than $2 a day. It is well documented that in 2009 10 million people live on more than $12000 a day………that is, they are multi-millionaires, controlling up to $42 trillion, or more than 80%, of the wealth of the world.
In such a world very few people are benefiting from all projects.
From 2002 to 2009, the wealthy minority pursued free markets for their own benefit, and their greed brought their capitalist ‘utopia’ to recession and bankruptcy.
A system of free market capitalism that ensures that more than 6 billion people are poor, living on less than $10 a day, is unjustified, and unsustainable. This system makes sure that the many people who live in ‘sun-rich’ and /or ‘wind rich’ environments are unable to heat themselves, read at night, use any form of electrical technology.
All this is not ‘nonsense’! It is common sense.
see //

What could be better than fighting poverty in a way that also benefits the environment.

Creating small business around renewable technology so that people understand the different types of technology can bypass slow governments. Starting small means that it is helping to reduce the cost of PV – which eventually means that larger systems are more affordable.

Africa has plenty of sunlight and many places where there is no grid – flexible solutions like solar is perfect and often the cheapest and most reliable form of electricity.

On the 11th of October myself and two others will be leaving Marble Arch Central London – bound for Cape Town we will be driving in a partially Solar powered vehicle through 18 countries in Europe and East Africa.

Have a look at // as we will be visiting many of the projects mentioned in this article.

Hi all. Good to hear some comments on this story. We ( and others have reached 10-50 times this many people as the above project with smaller, more affordable 0.5-1.5W solar desklamps, that retail at $10-20. The poor spend an average of $1/week on kerosene lighting (see //, so the payback period is 10-20 weeks. Hence, loans are no longer required, and given that 300 million households without power x $200 per larger kit = $60 billion, cash sales of renewables to the poor is very important to rapid progress.

Solar is expandable and tradeable, and it is white LED lighting that has allowed us to break the loan barrier. Microfinane organizations, a multi-billion dollar industry, can also help organize 1-2 year loans for slightly larger systems. The problem is getting investors to dip a toe into the water of 0.5-2 year investments in African energy, to ensure these products make it to market. If 300 million households are spending $1/week on kerosene and batteries, it will take a few billion of investment in modular, expandable power systems to reach them, which non-profits have failed to mobilize to date.

Social capital (google SoCap09 as an example) will fill this gap between the classic for profits and the classic non profits, and allow us to reverse the traditional, centralized notion of rural electrification, allowing lamps to be put in first, not last, and then help the development of battery-free minigrids and eventually minigrid interconnections (like your house will feed into the grid via smart meters).

Drop me an email if this is of further interest to you (, or visit our website.

Excellent article. But no mention of another aspect of an extraordinary benefit solar power could be in deveping countries: solar cookers. We all know by now that forests are being decimated in practically all of the deveoping countries mainly for fuel for cooking. Very little has been done in any country to solve this, no matter how much has been written on the subject. For years inventive fieldworkers and NGOs have attempted to introduce solar cookers of all kinds–cheap, easy to build, saving huge amounts of fuelwood, saving precious trees.. But never has any government nor business ever picked up on this idea, to mass produce and mass distribute, mass educate their proper use. And only until that happens will this ingenious and practical item ever become a reality.

I’ve put 18 solar PV panels and 2 solar water panels on my house in Hawaii and I’m saving about $500/month on my power bill. I’m trying to get off the grid by mid 2011. I’ve saved about 50,000lbs of CO2 according to my Sunny Boy Converter.

I want to get the word out about the monetary and Co2 savings available through solar power. Would you consider doing an article about my house? I can provide pictures and more details.

Here is some detail from my site //

What do you think?

Tony Kawaguchi