The Special-Needs Kindergarten Crunch

It’s the third week of pre-school. Kids are still settling in, and many are still crying when their parents drop them off in the morning. During these first weeks of school, pre-school teachers do a lot of waiting and wondering — waiting patiently for the separation tears to end and wondering what fascinating young characters will begin to emerge in this year’s class. My students’ parents, however, are already thinking about next year — they’re worried about getting their kids into kindergarten.

As a pre-school special needs teacher in New York, I’ve learned that the city’s culture of cut-throat competition extends to kindergarten admissions. And from that, an unexpected part of my job has evolved — providing psychological and emotional support to parents as they undertake the daunting task of finding an appropriate placement for their child. Securing a good spot in an oversubscribed New York City kindergarten, whether public or private, is difficult enough for most parents. But for the parents of children with special needs, it is especially challenging.

Last weekend, I had a long conversation with one mom who is already very worried about finding a placement for her child, who has an autism spectrum disorder. Like many Manhattan parents, she’s already calculating what connections she might be able to use and what strings she might be able to pull. She is considering the possibility of either mainstreaming him with some level of special-education support or enrolling him in one of the city’s private, special-needs schools (for which admissions competition is also very tough). It’s frustrating that she has to begin making the call at this point in the pre-K school year, when it’s far too early to tell which kindergarten option will be best for her son. But since many kindergartens have pre-Thanksgiving application deadlines, she has to begin the process now.

I wish I could tell her not to worry, that everything will be O.K. But I can’t. I’ve seen parents of children with autism go through particularly trying battles with school directors and the city’s Department of Education (D.O.E.) officials, often without a good result.

When I first began going through this process with parents, I was shocked. I’ll never forget what David — one of the first autistic pre-school students I taught — and his parents went through. At the time, David was a mild-mannered 5-year-old. I was his pre-K special-ed itinerant teacher (SEIT). David was an early reader, and he was good with numbers and music, but he had a speech delay, displayed overly repetitive play skills and had trouble focusing on one activity at a time. He exhibited few behavioral problems in the classroom, though, thanks to the intensive early intervention behavioral therapy he received. In fact, many of his mainstream peers had bigger behavioral issues. All of David’s teachers found him a pleasure to work with, and we all recommended that he be placed in a mainstream kindergarten class with special education support — or what is known in the special ed field as a team-teaching class. David’s speech skills had thrived in a class with mainstream pre-K peers, and it was vital to his language development that he continue his education in that environment.

After meeting with their local Committee on Special Education David’s parents were given the option of placing him in a public, team-teaching kindergarten class. The class would have one regular teacher and one special education teacher. Sounded good. Until we found out that the kindergarten class would have 31 students — far too many to allow the type of support David would need. It was the best his district had to offer him, but it wasn’t remotely good enough.

David’s dad then stepped up his efforts to get his son into a new, highly-touted Department of Education program designed specifically to mainstream high-functioning autistic students. This program seemed perfect for David. The application and evaluation process was lengthy, but David’s dad navigated it well. A school psychologist observed David in pre-K and determined that he was right for the program. David’s head pre-K teacher and I then spent significant time out of the classroom completing reports for his final application. David’s parents also spent significant time sending letters and patiently rescheduling canceled D.O.E. meetings. David made it to the final interview — a one-on-one evaluation with the program director. He did well. But after all this, the director informed David’s parents that the program did not accept students with speech delays.

Huh? This program had been touted for being an innovative program for autism spectrum students, like David, who should be mainstreamed. But despite all his reading, math and musical talents, and his significant speech progress in pre-K, David was not considered high-functioning enough for the program.

In the end, there was no appropriate public kindergarten option for David. Even the head of his Committee on Special Education acknowledged this. David’s parents made a last minute decision to move out of the city. Had they stayed, the D.O.E. would have been legally required to pay for a private school placement, since they failed to offer David a free, appropriate public education. However, getting the D.O.E. to fulfill such legal obligations requires having the financial means and the legal savvy to hire the right attorney. And so the kids who need services the most — the poor and disavantaged — get them the least. (I directly experienced this when working with a single mom and her autistic son in their East Harlem studio apartment. It’s a story that I’m still too upset about to tell.)

All this is not to say that there are no good public kindergartens in New York City, or no good public kindergarten programs for special needs children. They do exist, and some parents of special-needs kids — those enough lucky to live in one of the city’s coveted public education districts — do find good placements for their kids in well-run team-teaching classrooms, or, when appropriate, in well-run self-contained classrooms. But such placements are few and far between. Even in the coveted districts, I’ve rarely seen an appropriate special-needs kindergarten placement come without a parent struggle.

There are, of course, also several private schools in New York City for autistic children, such as the McCarton School. But at $90,000 per year, clearly, the kid from East Harlem isn’t going to make it. The city’s handful of public and non-profit charter programs for children with autism, such as the P.S. 255 schools in Queens and the New York Center for Autism Charter School, clearly need to be expanded and replicated, and those working to make such programs succeed should be applauded.

As for David, luckily, he ended up in a good kindergarten class in another town. He has just begun first grade, and he’s doing well. But needless to say, parents of children with autism should not have to move out of the city at the last minute to enroll their kids in a decent program. I really hope the mom I’m working with now has an easier time.

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I feel for the parents of these children, and the article made me so sad for the families who struggle to get appropriate placements that they can afford. Obviously, more such places and support are needed, and they need to be provided at a cost that ALL taxpayers can reasonably afford.

I almost spit up my tea when I reached the end when I saw the $90,000 per year price tag on one of the few schools that can provide a good education for such children. Surely it can be done more reasonably and affordably than that? That’s insane!

90,000$ a year? You’ve got to be kidding.
What, I wonder, happened to the kids in the forties, fifties and sixites (and seventies) on the autistic spectrum? Were there so many kindergarten dropouts? Maybe we’re being too hasty tagging kids as being ‘autistic’. From what you say, david would have done well in any kindergarten class. Tagging him as autistic just seemed to bog him in paperwork.
I know two autistic children, both of whom could never fit in a ‘normal’ classroom. When I hear of David doing math, reading, and socilaizing, I have a real problem thinking of him in the same spectrum as the children I know. I think maybe narrowing the autistic spectrum and putting kids like David back into the mainstream would probably do away with a lot of the problems these parents are facing, and it probably wouldn’t hurt kids like David either.

This is an increasingly complex issue, in part because just about any problem a child has is considered a medical issue and worthy of services. I am sorry to hear of such problems and knowing several such students I know the trouble the parents go through. But I beleive that the public school system is designed to teach the majority of kids the school basics. Spectrum autism diagnosis have skyrocketed over the past years and schools just no longer have the resources to treat every child with special services. In particluar, schools like NYC schools in particular have so many difficult cases to work with. Ironcially, such parents are more and more choosing a school district based on services but then these schools have to cut back because of the demand and financial strain. Ours is such a school and its causing a lot of resentment and families vie for services.

I do beleive that every child deserves the best but the public schools are just not always capable of this and they should not be paying for private school tuition for anyone.

“When I hear of David doing math, reading, and socilaizing, I have a real problem thinking of him in the same spectrum as the children I know. I think maybe narrowing the autistic spectrum and putting kids like David back into the mainstream would probably do away with a lot of the problems these parents are facing, and it probably wouldn’t hurt kids like David either.”

I think a doctor is more qualified to make that diagnosis than you are. It is obvious from the article that David needs a more suitable education environment than what he would find going to just any school, whether he’s “high-functioning” or not.

“I do beleive that every child deserves the best but the public schools are just not always capable of this and they should not be paying for private school tuition for anyone.”

Why are public schools incapable of this? Because we as a society are unwilling to PAY for it. Your sentence alone captures that sentiment; we talk a good game about caring for the kids, but when its time to pony up the money, everybody gripes about their taxes going up. We do a disservice to the children of our country with our stinginess. We decided as a nation a long time ago that children were entitled to a decent education, not only because it’s the right thing to do but also because it’s good for our nation as a whole. But our willingness to budget what it would take to provide that for every child has obviously not caught up.

To those who would grumble/be resentful about children with special needs “using up” special services that could be used to teach neurotypical kids:

1. try as you may, you can/will never walk a day in their shoes or the shoes of their parents

2. federal law REQUIRES that special services be covered by the individual school districts.

However, with the current adminstration’s misadventures at home and abroad, these mandates are unfunded i.e. the federal government is not paying the states and local governments the amount it is supposed to. In turn,. local governments, raise property taxes and make the rest of us miserable.

I find it amazing that in NYC with the amount of wealth in the recent past, where traders in their 30s were routinely taking home paychecks in the millions, none of these folks would have even thought to help start a scholarship program for kids who would qualify for the McCarton School like the child in East Harlem. My two cents. That is all.

This story puts chills down my back. We have a child who sounds simiilar to David, but were able to find a seat in a good public inclusion school in Brooklyn without much problem. That was several years ago, and now parents of younger children tell me it’s much more difficult. Getting good schooling for a special needs child should be a right, not luck of the draw.

Parents in the Newark Public Schools system have the same problem. When my son entered pre-K with social problems I was told by the BOE that I should get him therapeutic services or they would separate him when he entered Kindergarten. We were able to get him into the TLC program run by YCS in East Orange. We has him evaluated and he was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome.

When it was time to prepare him for kindergartern, I took the psychologist from the TLC and we went to the Child Study Team to get him the assistance that he would need to enter kindergarten. Of course the CST dropped the ball and he entered a kindergarten of 21 students all on his own. Of course they couldn’t keep him focused since the teacher had the other 20 students to take care of.

It took the Child Study Team for the school almost a month to re-evaluate him. They decided to put him in a self-contained classroom with a personal aide. I met with the teacher and explained when he gets upset, he tends to bite, hit or kick. She assured me that they could handle him. He started at this school on a Wednesday and was suspended on Friday because he bit someone every day he was there. So much for being able to handle it.

It took 10 weeks of fighting with the Board of Education to get him into the May Academy in Jeresey City. It tooks threats of legal action which I would have pursued if necessary.

He is doing well now. He has the support he needs and is getting an education that will help him in the future. He has a superior IQ and will eventually learn how to live in this world with other people. I don’t see him going back to mainstream classes for quite some time, at least not without a legal fight.


To #2, Jennifer. I was born in 1956 and attended the public schools in Evanston, Illinois, a prosperous suburb of Chicago. I’m the mother of an Asperger’s girl, and she does alright in her public school (she just started HS out here on the Main Line of Philadelphia). Like David, she is very bright, but her autism often defeats her during the school day, so she’s lucky she has that very high IQ and no learning differences beyond being overwhelmed by the noise and hub-bub of the classroom. Like David, she has a speech deficit, partially anxiety (worse in public, less noticeable at home) partially neurological, and it is very isolating socially and scholastically (she takes so long to get her thoughts verbalized she looks slow witted to her peers).

Any way, when I was in school it seemed like every grade and every class had a couple of kids (usually boys, but sometimes girls) who just weren’t learning. They were dreamy and stared out windows or avoided contact and were weepy, or they were squirrelly and couldn’t stay in their seats or concentrate, or they had trouble reading or figuring or listening. Most of them became trouble as they grew older and were held back or desperately promoted. A lot of them ended up at special schools after they were arrested, or ended up in psychiatric care because they were miserable about themselves. Some of them figured life out and did OK, others came to terms and they get along in their smaller jobs, smaller incomes, smaller lives.

My point is these kids have been with us all along. We just identify them better and make more of an effort to get the best from them. I have to agree that 90K seems like a lot of money to educate a kindergartner who seems to be pretty high functioning, and I think there is some over-diagnosis of some kids and some over-servicing directed at families who game the bureaucracy well, but mostly I just think we are taking better care of these kids than we did 40 and 50 years ago.

This is tangential, but I’m a professor of art at a college. For the first time, I have an autistic student in my drawing 1 class. I am way out of my league dealing with this student. I have no training as a special ed instructor, and I have one counselor I can get advice from.
With the increase in autism, this is just the beginning. It seems lame to say this, but I do feel for him and his parents. We do need to integrate as many students as possible. I don’t want this student to have a bleak future, but I’m not sure he belongs in a college class either.

What about children that are academically advanced? All the attention paid to special needs children is important to be sure, but there are kids out there who have excellent ability and intellect and are in effect ignored because they don’t cause any trouble. Shouldn’t the children who are going to contribute greatly to society be given special attention as well? At this point they are not. These kids fall through the cracks – to the detriment of all of us.

Thank you for this article.

I know what happened to kids like David in past decades — my brother was one. Back in the 70’s, there was either the regular classroom or the dummies’ classroom — there was no good place for kids like him who were smart but had trouble functioning for various reasons. My brother struggled through elementary school — repeated first grade, but that didn’t really help — and middle school, where my discouraged but desperate parents placed him in the “special class,” then back to regular classrooms for high school. My brother fell more and more behind as he was expected to keep up in spite of what was clearly dyslexia plus socialization issues and a tendency to flap his hands when excited. He got used to regular humiliation as kids, teachers, and family (yes, me included — I also was just a kid) ridiculed him. He barely graduated from high school, then was launched into adult life with no resources except the coping skills he had developed, which involved mostly bluffing and self-medication via substance abuse. His spirit was crushed and most of his potential has been wasted.

So I am so grateful that the world has changed, so that my son, who has been diagnosed with ADHD and mild Aspergers, has a much better shot in life. But we have a ways to go. Few in the general population are up to speed on the nuances of autism spectrum disorders, and of Aspergers in particular, which doesn’t look like classic autism. David sounds a lot like my son, and I think he would not have thrived in a mainstream classroom without the special ed support he has received (sometimes paid for out of our pocket, because the DOE isn’t very interested in providing services for kids who are scoring in the average-or-above range.)

I commisserate with David’s family in their story of being closed out of the special program (I’m guessing it’s the pilot ASD-Nest program) as we just went through a similar experience, only for middle school. There is ONE program for high-functioning ASD middle school kids in the whole city — ONE. That means five seats for each of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Our son qualified, but at the last minute (and I mean 4 days before the new year started) we learned that there wasn’t going to be a seat for him in the program. We had already investigated private school and ruled it out because of the cost. Fortunately there is a new middle school near us with relatively small class size and an individual approach to educating each child according to their learning style. Our son is in the CTT class at that school, and so far he is doing fine. But it was an exhausting ordeal.

We are committed to living in NYC and raising our son in NYC. The benefits are many. But it’s such hard work making sure he gets the education he needs so that he can thrive and, as an adult, contribute everything that he has to offer.

Then there are all the kids who wouldn’t qualify for services as their needs are pronounced enough, but who could use more individual attention. Again I’ll make my plea: for the sake of all our kids, we need to build more schools and hire more teachers so that all children can flourish in a small-classroom-size setting. Class size matters!

There’s clearly a need for these kinds of programs. What are the barriers to starting a charter school that specializes in teaching high-functioning kids who can do fine in a regular classroom with a bit of extra support?

Wow! Thank you for sharing this. Parents with children of special needs have to go through a lot just to find the right school and placement. It is stressful enough for children to get prepared for school, but I can’t even imagine what some of these parents have to go through. I feel for them. They are lucky to have someone like you as an advocate!!

I have to agree with Jennifer. I wish my nine-year-old nephew was on a par with David. My nephew is barely toilet-trained, doesn’t speak (let alone read or do math), and can sometimes be violent. Yet my sister and her husband have no choice but to try to “mainstream” him into his public school (in Wisconsin). I think maybe there would be more resources for kids like my nephew if higher-functioning kids like David were rediagnosed, freeing up teachers and funds for those who really have a hard time functioning and may never be able to live independently.

The thing that kills me, given how inherently difficult the process is even for well-educated, committed parents with decent financial resources, is how extra challenging it must be in light of how hard their and their children’s lives already are. We’re talking about families whose typical day is unusually stressful, demanding and exhausting. They are the last people who should be made to suffer the roller coaster ride described here. Where are the policy makers who will make the process of finding appropriate educational options more humane, and will also make it more available and affordable? Where are you?

My husband sent me this because you basically wrote our story. I chose to give up a high paying job to home school my highly intelligent child with a former speech delay because I faced exactly the same obstacles. In fact, we were able to pay the private school fees but because we disclosed my child’s speech delay we were turned down. The reason? She might need help in the future (not now) that the school might not be able to provide. Even though we had letters from her therapists saying her speech was age level now, her vocabulary advanced, she can read, she do 1st grade math, she’s perfectly behaved and stays on task, pays perfect attention, etc. We may now have to sell our house but we’re determined to keep her out of public school (1 teacher to 30 students, bad test scores). It’s discrimination but we’ve no leg to stand on with private schools.

I’d like to put these concerns into perspective. I have Asperger syndrome. Hardly anybody had heard of it when I was a boy, so I went undiagnosed throughout my childhood. Therefore, the question of special services never arose, especially when I was of kindergarten age.
I recall the kindergarten teacher leading the class in singing songs that I did not know. She seemed either not to notice that I did not know the words to those songs and therefore wasn’t singing along or not to care.
One day on the way to kindergarten, the bus was involved in a fender bender accident. While he spoke at length with the other driver and a policeman, the bus driver shut all us kids up in the bus. That terrified me, and I cried nonstop. After that, it was several months before my Mom could persuade me to board a school bus, so I missed most of the rest of kindergarten. That may have been a good thing for me. Back then, they didn’t do anything academic in kindergarten. At home I learned the basics of reading and writing and expanded my knowledge of arithmetic, so that I was about four years ahead of all the other kids in math throughout my school years.
Of course, there were numerous problems I encountered from first grade on. Three different mental health professionals all found different ways to blame my Mom for my problems. All the same, I made it through school and have enjoyed a happy life as a man.
I understand how the reluctance of school officials to provide special services, as well as rigid rules that sometimes keep kids from getting the services that they need, can be very frustrating to parents. At the same time, though, parents may do well to avoid putting all their eggs in the special services basket. My Mom and Dad got me through school without any special services, except for some provisions to teach me math at a more advanced level than the other kids my age.

Hi Everyone. Thanks for your thoughtful comments!

I just want to make it clear that David is, in fact, a child with autism. Whether he is “high-functioning” or not is of some debate. Apparently, the program I mentioned determined that he was not high-functioning. Overall, I think many people would consider him “mid-spectrum,” though he has excelled in some areas with the right support. Like every child with autism I’ve ever met, David has some very strong talents. I did, however, also go through several quite severe behavioral tantrums with David at home. There is no doubt that he has been significantly affected by autism and that he deserves services.

A big part of the reason David did so well in pre-K was because of his intensive, early intervention behavioral therapy, which included working on basic self-help skills like toileting and getting dressed. David’s parents have an older child with autism as well, so they knew to get David intensive therapy as early as possible, and they knew how to fight for his services. David is doing well now overall, but he and his parents do still face challenges, and he still clearly needs some level of special needs support in 1st grade.

I understand that there are some cases where extremely high-functioning children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder – children who may not “need” services, but from my experience in NYC schools, there are many more cases of children with clear autism symptoms who are undiagnosed. From what I’ve seen, the skyrocketing cases of autism are real and not just a matter of autism being a trendy diagnosis.

Regarding gifted children, yes they deserve services too, and oftentimes children with special needs are also very gifted in certain fields. It can be a fine line between genius and special needs!

Thanks for reading, and I of course welcome more comments. -CG

May 25, 2008
Maria Montessori wrote, almost a century ago, that three- and four-year-old preschoolers will learn to read spontaneously if they get “sufficient” practice forming alphabet letters. Although boldly claimed in her “The Montessori Method” this possibility has strangely never before been subjected to a scientific test.

In 2002-2004 I found five kindergarten teachers on the Internet who provided experimental data on 106 experimental kindergarten students as they practiced printing fluency and we monitored their reading ability (and also five other first-grade teachers who did NOT make the effort of inducing printing practice, but who only measured how much of the serial alphabet students could print in a timed, twenty-second period of time, and the correlation with reading skill. These 94 students formed a control group).

The correlation was very obvious in all ten classrooms. We found that all but a very small percentage of students read well, and with good comprehension, shortly after the point in time when they were able to print at least the first thirteen letters within 20 seconds. Multiplied by three, this equates with a fluency rate of 39 letters per minute.

The children enjoyed the practice sessions, and observing their gradual increase in fluency as the weeks passed. No apparent stress was noted, and it was found that the median kindergartner, after spending five minutes daily of each school day practice printing, was “printing fluent” after a mere three months. But printing fluency didn’t correlate with reading skill among older students, according to our results with a group of fifty fourth-graders.

The kindergartners wrote and read with about the same skill as the first graders at the end of the winter of school. The fact that kindergartners were reading and writing at a level of children a full grade ahead shows that the early acquisition of literacy in the kindergarten (experimental) group was caused by the dedicated attempt to induce practiced fluency in printing, and not just a coincidental marker of some third, and unknown, causative factor.

At the present time (May, 2008) I have collected another group of kindergarten and first-grade teachers on the Internet. Fourteen K-1 teachers have already submitted correlations of the printing fluency and reading skills of their pupils. In each case the correlation has been obvious and strong. Anyone wishing to join and monitor (or participate on) this free list need only send any email to Returning the automated “confirmation message” to the computer will result in automatic list membership.

Printing practice and fluency training in the early grades has completely gone out of style during the twentieth century, though it is still practiced (though not specifically tested) in India and China. This rediscovery of this important principle offers an inexpensive and effective means toward ensuring reading and academic success from the earliest grades for children of all races and ethnic backgrounds.

It has also been found that second-graders able to give correct answers to simply addition facts more fluently than 40 answers per minute rarely have problems with math or science thereafter.

Bob Rose, MD (retired),
Jasper, Georgia

We live in NC and my son (also autism spectrum, PDD diagnosis changed to Asperger’s) had a wonderful pre-K experience in the public system. However, kindergarten was a true nightmare and his anxiety increased to the point that we pulled him home to save him any further regression. After spending the remainder of that year homeschooling him (while we investigated other options) we decided that homeschool was in fact our best option. I would have had to return to work to pay for the private schools , which would have required before and after school care… it was a vicious cycle and we were not willing to make those sacrifices. He needed the consistency of time with his family, and still does. Homeschooling has been wonderful for him, as well as for his younger siblings. They are involved in many wonderful extracurricular activities that allow for time to socialize and branch out, but I would go as far as to say that they have the best social skills and manners of any kids I know. In fact, most homeschooled children I know, do. The idea that homeschooled children lack socialization is a grand misconception.

My son is in preschool and he’s a lot like David, with great reading and math abilities, mild behaviors, but speech-delayed. I’m also anxious about his future school life and hope that it won’t be an ugly fight to get him in an appropriate setting. I know many parents that just give up and decide to homeschool.

Mom of NYC “Special Needs” Child September 23, 2008 · 1:51 pm

Hi! I’m a mom trying to negotiate the DOE with a child who has been called “learning disabled” and “special needs.” He has been diagnosed as having Asperger’s. I have also heard the argument that this is the new “hot” diagnosis for kids and that it’s bogus for him. No one really knows . . .

We cannot get him into any of the DOE approved schools for learning disabled, because they are all full–the wait lists are years long. We cannot afford to sue the city for placement in private programs.

He attends an extremely good public school in Manhattan. I am so lucky. But!!!! His path through school is so unbelievably hard. It is like raising three children, this one child. As with David, he is well behaved in the classroom but gets so frustrated. The testers stopped the test for discovering his reading level when he surpassed 12th grade–he’s currently ten years old. At home he reads Greek philosphers. He is an amazing thinker. His vocabulary is out the roof–BUT HE CAN’T WRITE. He cannot write three sentences. He simply can’t do it.

What makes his path so difficult is the timeline the school system places on his development. The TESTING creates a deadline by which time a child needs to have mastered certain things. Well . . . . some kids are developing at different rates and they aren’t developmentally ready to maybe read, or write, or do mathematics. It’s like requiring every child, upon their first birthday, to walk. Some walk at nine months. Some walk at fifteen months. It’s all normal.

But the school system takes the fifteen month walker and picks her up under her arms, “Walk! Why dont’ you walk?” The fifteen month old keeps falling down until they send her to a special school for walkers. Absurd. And so, so painful.

Why is it that in the special schools I visited, 75% of the kids there were all boys?


you may know this, but the NEST/ASD program (which I assume is the one you are talking about) has added a more intensive program for “lower-functioning” kids on the spectrum. It’s available at at least one K program this year that I know of.

It may not be politically correct to say this, but I seriously question the wisdom of devoting significant public resources to educating “special needs” children, particularly low-functioning ones.

When our general education system is in shambles, and when gifted education is more likely to produce the future taxpayers and productive citizens of tomorrow, it really makes no sense to divert scarce educational resources to educating the lost causes–so what, they can get a job at McDonald’s?

We triage many scarce resources in society, and education should be allocated in efficient ways also, not held out as a “universal right” to all children, however unlikely they will be to repay society’s investment.

Our culture’s obsession with “special-needs” children is hitting the absurd. If a child is incapable of school, they should be institutionalized, and otherwise they should be placed in a normal classroom with a single teacher, and a reasonably small class size.

If all the money poured into “special-needs” was instead used to improve the quality of standard education, more borderline “special-needs” children would be able to function in a high-quality mainstream classroom.

Parents of “special-needs” children wouldn’t be facing kindergarten classes with 31 students if the government spent all the money that is spent on “special needs” on hiring more teachers for capable children.